An open letter to the hacker community concerning Caroline Murgue

Context: the matrix of misinformation and defamation through the tactic of naming and shaming, used by two ignorant members of the Cult of the Dead Cow in their open letter concerning Caroline Murgue / Touch Symposium, URL:

Instead of asking questions, they wrote an open letter full of fabricated lies accusing Caroline of fraud and impersonation. Their narrow mind and unhealthy thinking targeted the wrong person, spreading misinformation about someone they know nothing about. What is worrying is the fact that most readers believe the content of their fraudulent open letter.

To counterpoint the results of their nefarious initiative, and to provide food for thought, please find below the thought experiment RUN.

Goal: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Problem: American hackers have a fat brain, therefore their inability to use critical thinking. The brain is the body, the brain is physical, not an abstract idea. Because of their fat brain (body), American hackers cannot think for themselves and cannot differentiate what is true and what is false.

Statement: A large theme of the 20th century involved humans learning to live in a world of infinite sugar, fat and salt. Historically these items had been rare so we evolved to gorge on it when it is available.

A large theme of the 21st century involves humans learning to live in a world of infinite information. Every minute of every day we all have a choice to consume the mental equivalent of donuts or broccoli.

The mental and physical health ramifications of these choices are as serious as anything we’ve ever been confronted with.

Questions: Are you an American Hacker? Does it hurt your feelings to read this statement, as you know you're bit overweight? Now, ask yourself: what does it feel like to be the target of a controversial campaign of Naming and Shaming?

Do you want to be the cancer of our societies? Or do you want to find remedies to heal the wrongdoing of what’s happening on your screens, therefore in your mind and users’ thoughts, for whom you publicly claim to protect against cyber attacks?

That page is a lens for Caroline to observe users’ credulity, and the power of misinformation. Because it still appears in search engines despite her legal complaints, she uses it as an anthropological tool to filter out people who spread fake news, and who need to develop their critical thinking (the authors of that open letter, and their followers, whom she feels pity for their online unhealthy habits).

Caroline wants to express her heartfelt gratitude for all the support she’s received, and wishes the best for everyone.


A list of factors that act(ed) as drag on the European Tech/Startup scene